Thursday, March 31, 2011


So today while we were out I bought Noah a huge M&M cookies. He was so inspired by it.....he thought we should also make some at home. He thought is was time to make the garbage man more cookies. I love how my sons heros are not just the men who rescue people from burning buildings or leap from tall buildings...but in fact the average joe garbage man who stops the truck at our house almost EVERY Friday...shuts the engine off and yells out "Hey NOAH...hey little buddy," then goes on with his day. Seriously....makes Noah's day....his face beams and even goes red sometimes.....these are the little moments in a moms day that make us feel blessed..... to see these small...yet huge events to our kids. So thanks TRUCK #66 for making my kid smile.

I asked Noah to draw a picture for the garbage mom and he said Mom I don't know how to draw. I told him to think of a picture in his head and try to draw it. This is what he came up with....thought it was pretty good....and he was so proud of the big wheels, the driver and the of course the lights at the front.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go Noah. I agree...everyone is a hero in their own way. What would we do without garbage men? Sit in our own filth. Yuck.
