Friday, February 25, 2011

DAY 2 still snowed in....

Well, the little cabin we have been in for the past day is getting a little cozy. The snow
is driving us all CRAZY. We all have cabin fever and the kids can't wait to get out and spread
their wings. So today we decided to mix it up a bit...make homemade pizzas, spraypaint RD's VAN, make playdough people, build a fort and roast marshmallows in the woodstove.

Jesse's person....wish his own added touch under the nose.....

FORT TIME....Emily and Noah loving it

Stang taggers

tagged VAN

Ending the night with a few marshmallows


Anonymous said...

Okay, seriously, you are an amazing aunty. I wouldn't mind being snowed in with you any day. And tagging the van? Way cool. You bunch of hooligans.


Unknown said...

oh my goodness! looks like lots of fun! i am cringing thinking about all the clean up:) you are awesome! the kids will never forget this time with you!!!